viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

Great photo of the ceiling of Temple of Hathor at Denderah.

Great photo of the ceiling of Temple of Hathor at Denderah. Backstory: every dawn, the sun is born from the body of Nut, who is the Night Sky, and received by Hathor, the Day Sky. The Boat of Millions of Years travels through the body of this goddess and is again received by Nut, to traverse the Night. This without end. The rays of the Sun pour from the womb of Nut toward Hathor on the horizon, encompassed by the Djew, twin hills symbolizing the horizon. There's a predynastic bowl that depicts this same cycle, with bands of water signs across the sky and under the earth, represented by mountain peaks; i've posted it sometime or other in the past. These ideas are that old.

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